Can You Wear Contact Lenses When Scuba Diving?

Last Updated: April 14, 2023

Scuba diving is probably one of the most exciting activities to do. It’s not every day that you get to see how life is under the oceans. You can find different types of exotic fish, colorful coral reefs, and vibrant blue waters. Indeed, it is a beautiful sight to see.

If you want to scuba dive and have poor eyesight, people will tell you that you cannot do it. But we say, why should bad eyesight stop you from scuba diving?

You will be very happy to know that there are still ways for you to scuba dive even if you have bad eyesight. Keep reading to find out more.

Is it Safe to Scuba Dive With Contact Lenses?

diving with contact lenses

If you are visually impaired, the option to scuba dive is still open. Although you can dive while wearing lenses, there are a number of ways you can do this without them as well.

Use of Specialized Masks

Diving masks with prescription lenses are what people normally opt for when they are visually impaired. These are designed in such a way that your vision remains clear even under the water.

While wearing these, you do not have to wear your normal glasses or any contact lenses. There are various designs under this category. You can purchase masks that aid in better vision or readability. They also design bifocal masks. This is an excellent option to go for if you want to go scuba diving without your glasses or contacts.

Contact Lenses

In theory, you can use contact lenses while scuba diving. However, keep in mind that there is one ideal type of contact lens that is best suited while you dive.

This is the soft type of lense. Soft contact lenses are preferred over hard contacts for a number of reasons.

Why is it Not Safe to Use Hard Lenses?

Here are the reasons why hard lenses are a big no when it comes to scuba diving.

Penetration of Gases is Inhibited

Your eyes tend to absorb nitrogen in general. When we descend into the water, the nitrogen that is already present in your eye starts to escape. When you use hard lenses, the nitrogen does not have any way to leaving or escaping your eye. This tends to blur your vision.

Dry Eyes

Hard lenses can sometimes dry your eyes out. This, in turn, will result in you blinking very often.

They Can Fall Out

Hard lenses are comparatively smaller than soft lenses, and in some cases, this can lead to them falling out.

There is no grave danger by wearing hard contacts in the ocean. But chances are it can cause you a slight amount of irritation. This is why soft contact lenses are preferred.

Related: Can You Snorkel with Contact Lenses?

What Are The Benefits Of Using Soft Contacts When Scuba Diving?

  • Wearing a soft lens while diving allows the nitrogen from your eyes to escape easily. This prevents any irritation from happening and also keeps your vision clear at all times.
  • Soft lenses also help retain the moisture in the eyes and not dry them out.
  • You will have a clear vision at all times, even while descending into the water.
  • Since soft lenses are much larger than hard lenses, it will not fall out easily. Your eyelids will always keep your lenses in place.

Tips For Maximum Safety

  • Always have a spare pair of contact lenses with you. That way, even if you lose one pair, you will always have a backup.
  • Make sure you wash your hands before and after your dive. By touching the eye after coming into contact with open water, you could cause an infection.

Final Note

It is safe to use contact lenses while diving. However, diving with soft contact lenses is preferred over hard ones because of their many benefits.

Remember always to wear your mask over your eyes to minimize the risk of infections and keep your instructor or dive buddy informed at all times.

By following these precautions, you can have a safe and pleasant scuba diving experience.

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